GC «GRAND ATOM» carries out expert activities of the Audit of fire safety on the basis of the certificate of accreditation <ahref=”http://grandatom.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/%D0%9B%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B7%D0%B8%D1%8F3.jpg”>№660/В/0619 issued by the Federal State Institution “State expertise in the field of civil defense, prevention of emergency situations of natural and man-made disasters, fire safety,” Emergency Situations Ministry.
Fire Safety Audit – Is a reliable way of ensuring fire safety in the protection of objects such as industrial facilities, shopping centers, offices, warehouses, residential buildings, community facilities, etc. .. HA experts «GRAND ATOM» as soon as possible carry out fire-technical examination of the object, Identify all existing violations and shortcomings. The main advantage of the fire audit — is the ability to justify the lack of a fire safety system through the introduction of more affordable fire protection systems. For example, it is possible to justify the absence of an automatic fire extinguishing system, smoke exhaust systems, etc. FIRE audit involves the following steps:
- Consultation and travel specialist for inspection of the object and determine the scope of work.
- Analysis of regulatory legal acts on fire safety, establishing fire safety requirements in respect of the subject of the object.
- Analysis of documents previously conducted inspections and fire safety inspection of objects
- Fire-technical examination of the object.
- Conducting the necessary studies, tests, calculations and expertise.
- The preparation and execution of a written opinion on the state of fire safety of the object.
Issues conclusions GK «GRAND ATOM» contains the results of the fire-technical survey, conclusions about the conditions of compliance with the protection requirements of fire safety of the object, and in case of default – recommendations on measures to ensure the fulfillment of the conditions under which the protection of the object will meet the fire safety requirements. Usually detailed fire audit is an integral, the analytical part of the independent evaluation of the fire risk. Fire audit (Fire Safety Audit), also known as , an independent evaluation of fire risk – this is a new way to ensure fire safety in the protection of objects (industrial facilities, shopping centers, offices, warehouses, residential buildings, community facilities, etc..). Fire audit (audits of fire safety, an independent fire risk assessment) is conducted in accordance with the requirements of “Rules of conformity assessment of the protection of objects (products) installed fire safety by an independent fire risk assessment requirements” approved by the RF Government Decree of 7 April 2009 № 304 (as amended. Decree of the RF Government of 02.10.2009 № 777). The main advantage of the fire audit (Fire Safety Audit) is the ability to justify the lack of a fire safety system by means of calculation of fire risks and the introduction of more affordable fire protection systems. For example, it is possible to justify the lack of automatic fire extinguishing systems, smoke removal systems and etc ..
Properties which held fire audit, are not included in the list of scheduled inspections of fire safety authorities and surveillance activities are planned at these sites.
- In the territorial body of the object MOE removed with the inspector account.
- issued Expert opinion : 3 years without inspections, fines, with the possibility of extension of relations.
- Save money: on the object of insurance, to install costly fire protection systems.
- The recommendations on priority areas of implementation of fire safety systems, enable plan costs on fire safety.
- Security and stability in the event of fire, the object owner receives insurance payments that replace the damage.
- The auditing company does not penalize the customer for certain narusheniya- contrary, helps to find an acceptable solution for the owner
In accordance with para. 25 of the Order of the RF Ministry of Emergency Situations of 1.10.2007 №517 «On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Russian Federation Ministry of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters on execution of the state function of supervision over the implementation of the federal executive bodies, executive authorities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, organizations, as well as officials and citizens established fire safety requirements “in the case of an independent assessment of fire safety risks at the facilities of supervisors FPG surveillance activities in respect of the objects of supervision not planned.
FIRE AUDIT (AUDIT OF FIRE SAFETY) includes the following steps:
- Consultation and travel specialist for inspection of the object and determine the scope of work.
- Analysis of regulatory legal acts on fire safety, establishing fire safety requirements in respect of the subject of the object.
- Analysis of documents previously conducted inspections and surveys of fire safety of the object (acts, protocols, requirements).
- Fire-technical examination of the object.
- Conducting the necessary studies, tests, calculations and expertise.
- Fire Risk Calculation.
- The preparation and execution of a written opinion on the state of fire safety of the object.
Conclusion contains the results of an independent assessment of the fire risk, the findings of the conditions of compliance with the protection requirements of fire safety of the object, and in case of default – recommendations on measures to ensure the fulfillment of the conditions under which the protection of the object will meet the fire safety requirements.
Attention !!!
Works in the field of conformity assessment objects of protection the requirements of fire safety by an independent fire risk assessment carried out Accredited organizations in the following areas: a) a settlement of the fire risk assessment and preparation of the withdrawal on the implementation of (non-compliance) conditions of the corresponding object protection of fire safety requirements; b) examination of the object of protection, the preparation of the implementation of the output (non-compliance) conditions of compliance object of protection with fire safety requirements and measures to ensure compliance with the conditions under which the protection of the object will meet fire safety requirements; c) examination of the object of protection, carrying out calculations on fire risk assessment, preparation of the implementation of the output (non-compliance) conditions of compliance object of protection with fire safety requirements and measures to ensure compliance with the conditions under which the protection of the object will meet the fire safety requirements.