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Executive Director
“Company name”
______________________ FULL NAME
“_____” __________ 201_ g
of primary instruction on fire safety
The program was developed on the basis of fire safety rules “Teaching fire safety measures workers’ organizations” approved by the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry’s order of December 12, 2007 number 645. p. 14. Appendix 2.
1. Familiarization with the evacuation plan places primary fire extinguishing arrangement, emergency routes and exits (bypassing the relevant premises and territories).
Arrange inspection of premises of JSC “Space Marines”, to familiarize personnel with the evacuation plan, features of the building plan.
Check indicative employee skills by asking him not to difficult tasks, in which it must show the shortest and safest route by which he would leave the building in case of fire at the appointed place.
After the employee remembers the evacuation route must be planned to walk with him on this route and find out how well the employee is oriented in the building.
If an employee has deviated from the planned route or lost, it is necessary to return to the evacuation plan and set a new task. Produce training until the employee does not make any mistakes.
Inspect the primary locations of fire extinguishers. To instruct personnel on the use of primary fire extinguishing means according to the supplement number 1 in fire safety training.
Check theoretical knowledge.
Inspect emergency routes and exits. Explain the rules of conduct in case of fire.
To familiarize with the established procedure of evacuation in the organization.
2. The conditions for the occurrence of burning and fire (in the workplace, in the organization).
Terms and stages of fire – things have long been known. Thanks to them, you can prevent a fire. Removing the conditions for the emergence and spread of fire, you will save lives and property.
The main conditions for which there is a fire process and the fire starts, you can include the presence of a combustible medium, ie a substance that will burn, and the ignition source, such as an open fire, a chemical reaction. As well as the presence of an oxidant, without which the combustion process is not possible.
As is known, the combustion process is the oxidation of combustible medium with the release of the oxidizer combustion products such as carbon dioxide and water and a huge amount of heat. Even with incomplete oxidation of soot formation and carbon monoxide, which is very dangerous to humans, since it leads to suffocation. To start the burning process requires a source of ignition.
There is also a concept of ignition, this time from the start of ignition to the ignition material, i.e. the appearance of the flame. Sometimes the ignition time can be several months.
Initially, the fire about 10-20 minutes the fire spread along the combustible material linearly. At this time, the room begins to fill with smoke, and the temperature rises to 250-300 0C. After that there is a volume spread of fire. At this time, the flame spreads throughout the room. After another 5-10 minutes it begins to break glazing areas, increasing the flow of oxygen into the room, which increases the room temperature to 900 degrees. After a significant increase in temperature burnout stage begins, during which practically all burn combustibles. And only after that begins the stage of stabilization, during which the possible collapse of burned structures.
3. Responsibility for compliance with fire safety requirements.
According to Article 38 of the Federal Law of December 21, 1994 № 69-FZ “On Fire” responsible for violation of fire safety requirements in accordance with the current legislation are:
– The owners of the property;
– Heads of federal bodies of executive power;
– The heads of local governments;
– Persons authorized to possess, use or dispose of property, including the heads of the organizations;
– Persons in the established order of designating responsible for fire safety;
– Officials within their competence.
The persons referred to in the first part of this article, other citizens for violation of fire safety requirements, as well as other violations in the field of fire safety can be brought to disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with applicable law. ”
Article 219 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1996 № 63-FZ (. As amended on 07.12.2011 N 420-FZ) provides:
(In the red. Federal Law of 09.11.2009 N 247-FZ)
1. Violation of fire safety requirements, committed by a person, which had an obligation to comply with them, if this has involved by negligence the infliction of serious harm to human health –
(In red. The federal law from 08.12.2003 N 162-FZ of 09.11.2009 N 247-FZ)
punishable by a fine of up to eighty thousand rubles or the salary or other income for a period of up to six months, or restriction of freedom for up to three years, or community service for up to three years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years or without it, or imprisonment for up to three years, with disqualification to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years or without it.
(In the red. Federal Law of 07.12.2011 N 420-FZ)
2. The same act, committed on imprudence entailed death of a person –
(In the red. Federal Law of 08.12.2003 N 162-FZ)
shall be punished with hard labor for a term not exceeding five years, with disqualification to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years or without it, or imprisonment for up to five years, with disqualification to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years, or without it.
(In the red. Federal Law of 07.12.2011 N 420-FZ)
3. The act provided the first part of this article, committed on imprudence entailed death of two or more persons –
shall be punished with hard labor for a term not exceeding five years, with disqualification to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years or without it, or imprisonment for up to seven years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years, or without it.
(In the red. Federal Law of 07.12.2011 N 420-FZ)
(Part Three The federal law from 08.12.2003 N 162-FZ)
Code of Administrative Offences.
Article 20.4. Violation of fire safety requirements
1. Violation of fire safety requirements, with the exception of parts of 3 – 8 of this Article, – shall entail a warning or imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles; on officials – from six thousand to fifteen thousand rubles; on legal persons – one hundred and fifty thousand to two hundred thousand.
2. The same actions committed in a special fire-fighting mode –
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to four thousand rubles; on officials – from fifteen thousand to thirty thousand rubles; for legal entities – from four thousand to five hundred thousand rubles.
3. Violation of fire safety requirements for the internal fire water supply, electrical installations of buildings, construction and structures, electrical products, or any fighting primary means of fire safety requirements the security of buildings and structures primary fire extinguishing means –
punishable by an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to three thousand rubles; on officials – from six thousand to fifteen thousand rubles; to persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity – from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles; on legal persons – one hundred and fifty thousand to two hundred thousand.
4. Violation of fire safety requirements for evacuation routes, evacuation and emergency exits or systems of automatic fire-extinguishing and fire alarm systems, systems of warning people about the fire and evacuation of buildings, constructions, structures or systems of smoke protection of buildings and structures –
punishable by an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three thousand to four thousand rubles; on officials – from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand rubles; to persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity – from thirty thousand to forty thousand rubles; on legal persons – one hundred and fifty thousand to two hundred thousand.
5. Re-committing an administrative offense under Part 3 or 4 of this article –
punishable by an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of four thousand to five thousand rubles; on officials – from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles; to persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity – from forty thousand to fifty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activity for up to ninety days; on legal bodies – from two hundred thousand to four hundred thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activity for up to ninety days.
6. Violation of fire safety requirements, resulting in the occurrence of fire and destruction or damage to property or causing mild or moderate injury to human health –
punishable by an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of four thousand to five thousand rubles; on officials – from forty thousand to fifty thousand rubles; for legal entities – from three hundred to four hundred and fifty thousand rubles.
7. Failure to comply with the manufacturer (supplier) responsibilities to include in the technical documentation on the matter, materials, products and equipment information about the fire danger indices of these substances, materials, products and equipment or information about the handling of fire safety measures with them, unless the provision of such information is required to –
punishable by an administrative fine on officials in the amount of fifteen thousand to twenty thousand rubles; for legal entities – from ninety thousand to one hundred thousand.
8. Violation of the fire safety requirements of the security passes, driveways and entrances to buildings, structures and buildings –
punishable by an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles; on officials – from seven thousand to ten thousand rubles; on legal persons – one hundred and twenty thousand to one hundred and fifty thousand. “;
Article 19.5 Failure to meet the deadline legal regulations (decrees, submission, decision) body (official) exercising state supervision (control)
Failure to comply within the specified period of legal authority or exercising state fire control, – punishable by an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles; on officials – from three thousand to four thousand rubles; for legal entities – from seventy thousand to eighty thousand rubles.
Repeated failure to comply within the prescribed period the legal authority regulations punishable by an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of four thousand to five thousand rubles; on officials – from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand rubles or disqualification for up to three years; on legal persons – one hundred and fifty thousand to two hundred thousand.
4. Types of fire extinguishers and their use depending on the class of fire (type of combustible material, the characteristics of the equipment).
Fire extinguishers are designed to extinguish burning lesions in their initial stages, as well as for fire protection of small buildings and machinery.
Fire extinguishers are hand-held and mobile. By manual extinguishers include all types with their volume housing accommodating a charge of 10 liters. Fire extinguishers with a large amount of the charge related to mobile, their body installed on a special trolley.
Fire extinguishers vary in design and the type of extinguishing agent.
In accordance with the applicable fire extinguishing agent fire extinguishers may be:
Foam (chemical, chemical air-foam, air-foam);
gas (carbon dioxide, Halon, bromhladonovye);
The most widely used foam, gas and powder fire extinguishers. Water extinguishers (backpack design) are used only in the forest industry and for fire departments and intelligence so in the Model instructions are not considered.
The installation locations of fire extinguishers ambient temperature should not be below 5 ° C, with the exception of gas and powder fire extinguishers that are efficient at low temperatures.
When the cold spells and in the autumn and winter foam fire extinguishers should be transferred to a heated room, and the place of their permanent installation hung a sign with the new location.
Fire extinguishers are not allowed to be placed near the heating and heat sources, as well as in areas that are not protected from the action of sunlight and precipitation.
Valves fire extinguishers (taps, valves, arms, necks and caps, etc.) must be sealed after charging, it should attach a tag indicating the date of the charge and the person it produces.
Regularly extinguishers should be inspected, cleaned of dirt and dust. During the inspections necessary to verify the status of the membranes and showers (foam fire extinguishers), the integrity of seals and tags. Fire extinguishers with faulty nodes, deep dents and corrosion on the body should be removed from service.
Fire extinguishers used during a fire, as well as in the classroom staff or volunteer fire units in the facility must be promptly removed from the premises for subsequent charging.
To teach using extinguishers recommended to use a fire extinguisher, whose term came next recharge.
It is not allowed to send at the same time to recharge more than 50% of fire extinguishers in use. Charging and testing of fire extinguishers must be produced in a short time.
Before transporting the fire extinguishers must be packed in such a way as to prevent the body blows on the body.