01.Penalties for violation of fire safety requirements

There comes a hard time for private business in Russia. Soon it shall enter into force on the Federal Law of 03.06.2011 N 120-FZ “On Amendments to the RF Code of Administrative Offences for fire safety” fz-120-ot-03.06.2011.doc. According to which the penalties for violation of the requirements of the BOP will increase by several dozen times. Change some of the articles of the Administrative Code, in particular Article 20.4. Now there is a clear distinction, for what and how much you will be able to penalize employees UNM EMERCOM of Russia. To some extent there are positive aspects in the sense that if the check you have carried out in the first, even for the lack of a fire alarm suspension you are not threatened (to be only decent fines), but if you do not follow the requirements for the next test, then there is penalties will be such that at times can be set on this money to two alarms on one object.

For example, if you do not set the alarm at the first check will be fine at LE 150-200 TR, when the next check if the breach is not remedied the fine on the LE will have 200-400 TR or suspension for up to 90 days .

Agree, now really is cheaper to fulfill all the requirements of fire safety inspector, than just give the money to the State. I hope that this law will improve the situation with the fire safety in the country, and an inspector will be in good faith and professional approach to the issues of inspections and training of people with fire safety requirements.