01.SP 04.13130.2009. Fire protection systems. Limiting the spread of fire to protect the lens. Requirements for space planning and design solutions

1 area of use

1.1 This set of rules is developed in accordance with Article 52, Chapter 16 and Article 88

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 22, 2008 № 123-FZ “Technical Regulations

about fire safety requirements “is a regulatory document on fire safety

of voluntary application in the field of standardization and establishes requirements for limited

cheniyu spread of fire to protect the lens, as it relates to space planning

and designs of buildings, structures and fire sections, as well as requirements

Fire distances between them.

1.2 This set of rules does not apply to facilities for special purposes (for

manufacture and storage of explosives and explosives, military, underground

nye construction of subways, mining), as well as functional objects of class

Fire hazard F1.3 height of more than 75m, objects of other classes of functional fire

Hazard height of more than 50 m, particularly complex and unique objects, stations and terminals, Therefore

Zharno depot.

1.3 If you change the functionality of existing facilities, as well as changes

SRI space planning and design decisions need to be based on the requirements of

the present set of rules, as well as the current regulatory documents on fire safety

in accordance with the new appointment of these buildings or premises.

1.4. This set of rules can be used in the development of specific technical

for the design and construction of protection.


Download SP 04.13130.2009. Fire protection systems. Limiting the spread of fire to protect the lens. Requirements for space planning and design solutions. 04_13130_2009.pdf