1 area of use
1.1 This set of rules developed in accordance with Articles 85 and 138 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 № 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements” is a regulatory document on fire safety in the use of voluntary standardization and sets fire safety requirements heating, ventilation, including smoke, and air conditioning in the buildings and structures (hereinafter – buildings).
1.2 This set of rules does not apply to the system:
a) heating, ventilation and air conditioning of civil defense structures; constructions intended for work with radioactive materials, sources of ionizing radiation; underground mining facilities and premises, which are manufactured, stored or used explosives;
b) specific heating, cooling and de-dusting systems and devices for technological and electrical equipment; aspiration and pneumatic pylegazoudaleniya of technological equipment and vacuum cleaning equipment.
1.3 In addition to this set of rules must be respected fire protection requirements set out in other regulatory documents, duly approved. These regulations may include additions, refinements and changes in the provisions of this
set of rules taking into account the features of functionality and specificity of various fire protection of buildings, premises and engineering systems.
1.4 This set of rules can be used in the development of specific technical requirements for the design and construction of buildings.
Download SP 7.13130.2009. Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning. Fire precautions. 07_13130_2009.pdf