01.JV 9.13130.2009.Tehnika fire. Fire extinguishers. Operation requirements

1 area of use
1.1 This set of rules developed in accordance with Articles 43 and 60 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 № 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements” is a regulatory document on fire safety in the use of voluntary standardization and specifies requirements for the selection, deployment, maintenance and recharging of portable and mobile fire extinguishers, fire extinguishers pressure sources, the charge to the air-foam and air-emulsion extinguishers.
1.2 This set of rules can be used in the development of specific technical requirements for the design and construction of buildings.
1.3 The Code does not apply to non-rechargeable (disposable) extinguishers.


Download SP 8.13130.2009.Tehnika fire. Fire extinguishers. Operation requirements. 09_13130_2009.pdf