Experts of the company «GRAND ATOM» carried out the examination of organizational and technical solutions to ensure fire safety of your property. Fire and technical expertise, as well as any other judicial examination, provided to the Court, on the basis of an application for the appointment of fire examination, one of the interested parties.
Judicial fire-technical examination is carried out in the following cases:
- If you change the object’s owner;
- In the registration of ownership of unauthorized structures;
- In the redevelopment and reconstruction;
- When translating holiday home status in the status of housing;
- If the transfer of residential premises in non-residential status;
- If the transfer of non-residential premises in residential status;
- If you see a private home in nature;
- In probate, etc.
The examination tasks include: research of features of space-planning decisions of buildings and building structures, checking compliance with fire safety standards of these objects, the definition of the state of fire protection facilities.
The subject of fire-technical examination is:
- General site plan;
- Space-planning solutions;
- The evacuation routes;
- Fire water supply;
- The internal fire water supply;
- External fire fighting water supply;
- automatic fire fighting system;
- Power supply and others.
Based on this fire examination of organizational and technological solutions to ensure the fire safety of the object to the customer issued a report with a conclusion that the object corresponds (does not correspond) with fire safety requirements, does not threaten (threatened) life and health of citizens and can (can not ) operated. Issues conclusions customer provides to the Court.